- Visitors: Visitors who are not registered cannot browse the genealogy database,
but they can browse the website for ‘family’-articles.
- Guest: Vistors who register as Gebruikers/utilisateurs/users are considered Gast/Invité/Guest; can login, search, browse the genealogy database (no detailled and visual info from ‘living’ family - cfr GDPR) and make “suggestions”.
- Member:Visitors who register and contribute yearly 25€ as Voordrager/Contributeur/Submitter are considered Leden/Membres/Members; can login, search, browse the database (incl. detailled and visual info from ‘living’ family) and make “suggestions”.
Members with a personal profile in the genealogy database, has a unique identifier(UID) with related stamboom/arbre généalogique/ familytree-name. They are published on the Memberlist.
Board Members and the President of the Board are appointed by the General Assembly.
The President, Vice-President, IT & Website Administrator, (Social) Media Coordinator and Treasurer-Finance Board Members are eventually also Website Administrators (with certain rights granted).
Honorary Members are appointed by the General Assembly (for life) as they are (or have been) a real and exceptional support for our B&B Foundation. Living Honorary Members do not owe an annual fee.